Functions of Water
Water has many functions inside the human body, but the biggest function is to improve blood flow and to promote metabolism.
It also activates the intestinal bacterial flora and enzymes while excreting waste and toxins.Dioxins,pollutants,food additives and carcinogens are all flushed out of the body by good water.I believe for these reasons, people that do not drink enough water will get sick more easily. If you drink plenty of good water, it will be harder for you to get sick.When water moistens the area of the body that can get invaded most easily;such as the bronchi and gastrointestinal mucosa, the immune system is activated, making those areas difficult for the viruses to invade.In contrast, if not enough water is consumed, the bronchial mucous membranes dehydrate and dry out.
Plegm and mucus are produced in the bronchial tube but if there is not enough water, they will stick to the bronchus, making it a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.
Water is not only present in blood vessels but also plays an active role inside lymph vessels, helping us maintain our health.Blood vessels are like a river in the human body and lymph vessels are like a sewage pipe that carries out the important functions of filtering, purifying and transporting excess water, proteins and waste through the bloodstream.
In order for the immune system to function properly, good water is imperative.
If a person does not consume enough good water, that person will not only become malnourished, but waste and toxins will also accumulate inside, unable to be excreted.
In the worst case scenarios, the accumulated toxins will damage the cell genes, causing some cells to become cancerous.
Water has the very broad role of improving the flow of the gastrointestinal system, the flow of blood and lymph fluids which provide nourishment to the body´s 60 trillion cells.
In addition this enables the capture and disposal of the waste from these cells.
For these reasons it is important to drink a good water,ideally Kangen hydrogenated alkaline water.
Some people take it upon themselves to quench their thirst with beer or carbonated soft drinks. These drinks, instead of supplementing the fluids in the body actually cause the body to become dehydrated.
Sugar, caffeine,alcohol and additives contained in these kind of drinks, steal fluids from the body´s cells and blood, making the body´s blood thicker.
Middle aged and elderly people with diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, may suffer from stroke or heart attack if they rely on beer to replace lost fluids through sweating profusely in summer.
I believe that if you are feeling thirsty, instead of drinking tea, coffee or or beer, I suggest you get used to drinking good water and supplying your body with the liquid engineering it needs to survive.
Now you should have developed a better understanding of how important good water is, for the maintenance and upkeep of your body functions.
But to be specific lets define ´´good´´ water.Hopefully no-one believes that good water comes from the tap or in plastic bottles; that would be naïve.
In addition to chlorine and fluoride, tap water also contains dioxins and carcinogens such as trichloroethylese and trichenylmethane.
When chlorine is added to tap water large amounts of free radicals are produced.
Microorganisms die as a result of those free radicals and so people consider that the water is ''clean''. However through this process of sterilization, the water involved gets oxidized.
Oxidation, which is bad for the water, is the process in which electrons break away or are taken away from molecules.
Reduction is the opposite, in which electrons are received by molecules.
Through the oxidation reduction potential or ORP based on the measurement of these fluctuating electrons, one can determine whether the water at hand will oxidize or reduce other substances.
The lower the electrical potential the stronger the reduction or benefit of the water, while a higher electrical potential will oxidize other substances.
So the big question is how do you find ''good water'' with a low Oxidation Reduction Potential?
The leading company that make high calibre purification devices is known as ''Enagic'' who make the Kangen water systems.
This 44 year old Japanese company have established themselves as the market leader within the realms of water purification.
The company have a proprietary system that by running the water over charged titanium plates, filters out all toxins such as fluoride and chlorine but also produces active hydrogen, serving to remove excess free radicals from the body.
Because mineral waters bought in plastic bottles, are contaminated with the toxins from the plastic itself such as estrogen and bpas, and because on can never know how long the water has been contained in that plastic bottle I will not drink mineral water from plastic bottles.
It may have been beneficial when it was poured into to that bottle but surely has little or no benefit several months or even years later.
Apart from dangerous toxins leaching out into the water of plastic bottles, the majority of plastic bottles unfortunately end up polluting our oceans and killing our sealife.
Bearing in mind it takes 1000 years for a plastic bottle to breakdown, I feel we have to take action and leave plastic bottles and the useless water they contain in the past.
Apart from the fact that the water contained in plastic bottles has zero health benefit,and the empty plastic bottles then pollute our oceans, the cost involved is simply ridiculous!It has been calculated that depending on the age of a person and the size of his family, he or she will spend around €30,000 on bottled water, in a life time!
This is absolutely ridiculous for water that probably comes from the tap and almost certainly has NO health benefit.
Considering the facts, it surprises me that anyone continues to purchase bottled water.
The Kangen systems cost between €2000 and €6000, are guaranteed, simple and easy to install.
The Kangen machines sit on top of your kitchen work top converting your tap water into delicious, healthy, hydrogenated alkaline water.
By running the water over medical grade titanium plates the chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine are removed, leaving you fresh healthy alkaline water.
To order your machine or to register for more information click here
To find out more about the lucrative Enagic business click here
Please like my Kangen water Facebook page to help educate people about the importance of drinking alkaline water and the direct benefits that associated with their health.
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