Having been in the network industry for many years, mainly in the digital product niche, I have always been aware of a few good companies that have exceptional products that you cannot buy in shops or anywhere else for that matter.
One of theses companies is Enagic that produce the wonderful Kangen Water filters that sit on your kitchen worktop.
The product range is fairly small with only 7 different models to choose from, that are easily installed and only takes only a couple of minutes.
The units come with a variety of adaptors that will fit on any tap and the Kangen unit sits on top of your kitchen work top.

One is Alkakine water for drinking and the other is Acid water which can be used for a variety of tasks including cleaning the house, bathroom and removing nasty pesticides from vegetables.
For more information about Kangen filters click here
Many people are health conscious enough to buy organic vegetables but then ruin them, by washing them with Chlorine dominated tap water.
Unfortunately the vegetables absorb all the Chlorine quickly diminishing the healthy effect considerably.
This one can witness first hand in some of the the Kangen water demonstrations available on Utube.
Enagic have been producing these world class water filters for 40 years now and have a global following of end users and full time affiliates.
Most impressive of all about this Japanese company are the testimonial videos by very sick people who have been helped back to perfect health through drinking Kangen water.
The testimonials all have a similar story in that someone has been diagnosed with cancer or some other nasty disease and has been given three weeks or months to live, then after three weeks of drinking Kangen water either the pain has gone, the symptoms have gone or, miraculously- both!
Personally, since starting drinking Kangen water 4 months ago, I have noticed that my skin is much healthier, I have more energy , I sleep better at night and I no longer suffer from the allergies to pollen,cats and house mites.
Fortunately for me, I have no ailments or diseases to cure and I believe by drinking Kangen water each and every day, I will keep it that way!
For once I have chosen to work with a worthwhile company; Enagic; that have a product that can benefit the health of everyone.
Someone recently complained to me about the high prices of the Kangen machines, and I responded with this remark:
´What price do you put on your health?´
Your health is priceless and should be your number 1 concern, always, I believe!
Click here for more product information.
Click here for more info on the lucrative Enagic business.
Having established themselves as the Gold Standard of the water purification business over a 40 year period, having helped cure countless people from a variety of nasty illnesses I think it is naive and ignorant to complain about the price of the Kangen technology.
In particlar, Kangen water has proven beneficial in helping to diminish pain and /or symptoms of the following diseases and conditions:
Acid Reflux
Kidney Stones
Heart Disease
Poor digestion
Slow metabolism
Poor circulation
Migraine headaches
Plus many others
As quoted by Dr. Robert Atkins:
“Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity.
It is no coincidence that many of our modern habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking, eating sugar, and stress, all tend to increase acidity.
The only parts of our body that are supposed to be acidic are the contents of the stomach, the skin, and perspiration.
Virtually everything else is supposed to be at least slightly alkaline.”
Click here for more information or click on the links below for testimonials.
In addition to have unique products that provide clear and immediate health benefits, there is also a lucrative business that comes when you purchase any Kangen water machine.
For more information about that click here
About the author:
Paul Senn is a blues guitarist, blogger, father of two and martial artist and lives in the Southern Spain
For video presentation here:
Please like my Kangen water Facebook page to help educate people about the importance of drinking alkaline water and the direct benefits that associated with their health.
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